3 brains

3 brains

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Cure For Hair Loss – A Boon To Balding Men!

The beauty of men and women for centuries and before have largely been associated with a head full of well hydrated, strong and shining hair screaming of health and happiness. The health of hair is both intrinsic as well as extrinsic. A stress free mind and body result in the production of Oxytocin which helps in the growth of hair. Feel good hormones also help in some way or the other in increasing the growth of hair. Thus a happy and positive attitude can help cure the body and mind considerably; the effects of which reverberate in every cell of our body. The intrinsic health of a person is largely responsible for the health of hair on the scalp. Thus, a balanced and nutritious diet rich in proteins and vitamins is highly beneficial. This may be supplemented with external conditioning of hair such that its appearance is well maintained. The pores of our skin can absorb some amount of protein which is considered useful for the nourishment of hair and therefore a variety of products in the market as well as herbal products have developed. These may be used for further enhancement of the beauty of hair. Home remedies like egg yolk mixed with henna, Amla oil, liquorice and saffron paste should be rubbed overnight on bald patches. Regular use of castor oil helps in growth of hair. Hair loss can be controlled by drinking plenty of fluids which hydrate the hair shaft keeping it supple and soft, preventing it from breakage. Thus it is in the interdependence of both the intrinsic and the extrinsic factors that the true health of a hair follicle lays.
hair-loss-treatmentHair loss is a condition where more than normal amount of hair consistently fall causing patches of bald areas on the scalp causing distress to the individual.Unusul hair fall is called Alopecia. Some of the many causes for unusual hair fall can be due to severe illness like syphilis, typhoid, influenza or chemotherapy during cancer. Certain life altering incidences like child-birth, trauma, and anxiety can cause hair loss. About a hundred hair strands fall everyday as part of the hair growth cycle in which hair grows over a period of 3-7 yrs at the rate of 1 cm per day. This stage is known as Anagen after which a rest period of 1-2 weeks occurs following which hair that have finished their life cycle shed and new hair grow; a period known as Telogen. While controlled diet and other external conditions can provide relief from hair loss, cure and regeneration of hair can be cosmetically done if the hair loss is of a considerate amount. Advanced hair transplantation techniques like follicular transfer and hair weaving can change the appearance of an individual suffering from hair loss. This can be in certain cases the only resort as a cure for hair loss.hair-loss-treatment
Cure for hair loss can also be found in Yoga, an Indian form of exercise.  Certain ‘yogic’ exercises can help improve the blood circulation to the head. Dancing and walking can also help in rejuvenation of the muscles in the body and the circulation of blood.

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