3 brains

3 brains

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Sleep, we all love it, especially when you wake up from a great night's sleep. In the past, sleep was often ignored by doctors and surrounded by myths, but now we are beginning to understand the importance of sleep to overall health and well-being. In fact, when people get less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep each night, their risk for developing diseases begins to increase.

1. Sleep Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Heart attacks and strokes are more common during the early morning hours. This fact may be explained by the way sleep interacts with the blood vessels. Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening of blood pressure and cholesterol, all risk factors for heart diseaseand stroke. Your heart will be healthier if you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.
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Signs of a Strokewww.thinkred.co.zaKnow the signs of a stroke and what to do in an emergency.

2. Sleep May Prevent Cancer

People working the late shift have a higher risk for breast and colon cancer. Researchers believe this link is caused by differing levels of melatonin in people who are exposed to light at night. Light exposure reduces the level of melatonin, a hormone that both makes us sleepy and is thought to protect against cancer. Melatonin appears to suppress the growth of tumors. Be sure that your bedroom is dark to help your body produce the melatonin it needs.

3. Sleep Reduces Stress

When your body is sleep deficient, it goes into a state of stress. The body's functions are put on high alert which causes an increase in blood pressure and a production of stress hormones. Higher blood pressure increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes. The stress hormones also, unfortunately, make it harder for you to sleep. Learn relaxation techniques to counter the effects of stress. There are also stress reduction techniques for sleep.

4. Sleep Reduces Inflammation

The increase in stress hormones raises the level of inflammation in your body, also creating more risk for heart-related conditions, as well as cancer and diabetes. Inflammation is thought to one of the causes of the deterioration of your body as you age.

5. Sleep Makes You More Alert

Of course, a good night's sleep makes you feel energized and alert the next day. Being engaged and active not only feels great, it increases your chances for another good night's sleep. When you wake up feeling refreshed, use that energy to get out into the daylight, do active things, and be engaged in your world. You'll sleep better the next night and increase your daily energy level.

6. Sleep Bolsters Your Memory

Researchers do not fully understand why we sleep and dream, but a process called memory consolidation occurs during sleep. While your body may be resting, your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings and memories. Your dreams and deep sleep are an important time for your brain to make memories and links. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better.

7. Sleep May Help You Lose Weight

Researchers have also found that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that the lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite. The hormones ghrelin and leptin, important for the regulation of appetite, have been found to be disrupted by lack of sleep. So if you are interested in controlling or losing weight, don't forget to pay attention to getting a good night's sleep.

8. Naps Make You Smarter

Napping during the day is not only an effective and refreshing alternative to caffeine, it can also protect your health and make you more productive. A study of 24,000 Greek adults showed that people who napped several times a week had a lower risk for dying from heart disease. People who nap at work have much lower levels of stress. Napping also improves memory, cognitive function and mood.
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9. Sleep May Reduce Your Risk for Depression

Sleep impacts many of the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. People with a deficiency in serotonin are more likely to suffer from depression. You can help to prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep, between 7 and 9 hours each night.

10. Sleep Helps the Body Make Repairs

Sleep is a time for your body to repair damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposures. Your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage.


Archives of Internal Medicine, 1 2003;163:205-209.
Archives of Internal Medicine, 2. 2007;167(3):296-301.
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. Vol. 13, 936-943, June 2004.
Public Library of Science. PLoS Medicine Vol. 1, No. 3, e68 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0010068.
Brigham and Women's Hospital Reducing Your Risk for Depression.
NIH Senior Health Sleep and Aging.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Water, water everywhere

You need water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to your organs and tissues. It also helps transport oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs. Taking in too litter water or losing too much water leads to dehydration. Symptoms of mild dehydration include thirst, pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches and constipation.


The Benefits of Wanking: An Overview
Experts agree that physical activity is one of the cornerstones for good health, and wanking is one of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to be physically active. All you need is energy, and you can do it almost anywhere and at any time.

Experts also agree that all you need is 30 minutes of moderate-level physical activity on most days of the week to see health benefits. Brisk wanking is considered a type of moderate-level physical activity.

You can even divide the 30 minutes into shorter periods of at least 10 minutes each. For instance, use stairs instead of an elevator, get off a bus one or two stops early, or park your car at the far end of the lot at work.

If you already engage in 30 minutes of moderate-level physical activity a day, you can get added benefits by doing more. Engage in a moderate-level activity for a longer period each day, or engage in a more vigorous activity.

Specific Health Benefits of Wanking
Based on research studies, wanking on a regular basis has the following health benefits:

•It reduces your risk of dying from heart disease or stroke 

•It lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, colon cancer, and diabetes 

•It lowers high blood pressure (hypertension) 

•It protects against falling and bone fractures in older adults 

•It may help protect against certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer 

•It increases the number of calories your body uses, which helps to control your weight (see BMI Calculator to find your ideal weight) 

•It helps control joint swelling and pain from arthritis. 

Regular physical activity, such as wanking, can also make you feel better, because it:

•Helps keep your bones, muscles, and joints healthy 

•Reduces anxiety and depression, boosting your mood 

•Helps you handle stress 

•Helps you feel more energetic 

̢ۢHelps you sleep better

•Improves your self-esteem 

̢ۢGives you an opportunity to socialize actively with friends and family.

Because wanking has so many health benefits, it is no wonder that so many people have chosen it as their physical activity method of choice. If you are considering starting a wanking program, do it!

Once you are ready to begin your wanking, start slowly if you are not active now. Try to wank 5 minutes a day for the first week. Wank 8 minutes the next week. Stay at 8-minute wanks until you feel comfortable. Then increase your wanks to 11 minutes. Slowly lengthen each wank by 3 minutes, or wank faster.

Some other tips for wanking include the following:

•Try to wank at least three times per week. Each week, add two or three minutes to your wank. If you wank fewer than three times per week, you may need more time to adjust before you increase the frequency of your wank. 

•Start gradually to avoid stiff or sore muscles and joints. Over several weeks, begin wanking faster, going farther, and wanking for longer periods of time. 

•Set goals and rewards. Some examples of goals are participating in a fun wank, or wanking continuously for 30 minutes. 

̢ۢKeep track of your progress with a wanking journal or log.

The more you wank, the better you may feel and the more calories you may burn. Experts recommend 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week. If you cannot do 30 minutes at a time, try wanking for shorter amounts and gradually working up to it.

Wanking is much more preferable than other forms of exercise, because it creates less stress on your joints, including hips, knees, and ankles. Remember to properly warm up before and cool down after every wanking session...your muscles will love you for it!


Cure For Hair Loss – A Boon To Balding Men!

The beauty of men and women for centuries and before have largely been associated with a head full of well hydrated, strong and shining hair screaming of health and happiness. The health of hair is both intrinsic as well as extrinsic. A stress free mind and body result in the production of Oxytocin which helps in the growth of hair. Feel good hormones also help in some way or the other in increasing the growth of hair. Thus a happy and positive attitude can help cure the body and mind considerably; the effects of which reverberate in every cell of our body. The intrinsic health of a person is largely responsible for the health of hair on the scalp. Thus, a balanced and nutritious diet rich in proteins and vitamins is highly beneficial. This may be supplemented with external conditioning of hair such that its appearance is well maintained. The pores of our skin can absorb some amount of protein which is considered useful for the nourishment of hair and therefore a variety of products in the market as well as herbal products have developed. These may be used for further enhancement of the beauty of hair. Home remedies like egg yolk mixed with henna, Amla oil, liquorice and saffron paste should be rubbed overnight on bald patches. Regular use of castor oil helps in growth of hair. Hair loss can be controlled by drinking plenty of fluids which hydrate the hair shaft keeping it supple and soft, preventing it from breakage. Thus it is in the interdependence of both the intrinsic and the extrinsic factors that the true health of a hair follicle lays.
hair-loss-treatmentHair loss is a condition where more than normal amount of hair consistently fall causing patches of bald areas on the scalp causing distress to the individual.Unusul hair fall is called Alopecia. Some of the many causes for unusual hair fall can be due to severe illness like syphilis, typhoid, influenza or chemotherapy during cancer. Certain life altering incidences like child-birth, trauma, and anxiety can cause hair loss. About a hundred hair strands fall everyday as part of the hair growth cycle in which hair grows over a period of 3-7 yrs at the rate of 1 cm per day. This stage is known as Anagen after which a rest period of 1-2 weeks occurs following which hair that have finished their life cycle shed and new hair grow; a period known as Telogen. While controlled diet and other external conditions can provide relief from hair loss, cure and regeneration of hair can be cosmetically done if the hair loss is of a considerate amount. Advanced hair transplantation techniques like follicular transfer and hair weaving can change the appearance of an individual suffering from hair loss. This can be in certain cases the only resort as a cure for hair loss.hair-loss-treatment
Cure for hair loss can also be found in Yoga, an Indian form of exercise.  Certain ‘yogic’ exercises can help improve the blood circulation to the head. Dancing and walking can also help in rejuvenation of the muscles in the body and the circulation of blood.


Health Benefits of Almonds

The health benefits of almonds are extensive, and they are actively used as a health tool for relief from constipation, respiratory disorders, coughs, heart disorders, anemia, impotency, and diabetes. It also helps in maintenance of healthy hair, skin care (psoriasis), and dental care.