3 brains

3 brains

Thursday 7 June 2018

Animals with Incredible Healing Powers


HEALING ABILITY: Dogs’ saliva has been found to heal wounds. Moreover, the motion of a dogs’ tongue can aid wounds, as the saliva loosens debris on the surface of a cut.
BACKED BY SCIENCE: Researchers discovered a protein called Nerve Growth Factor in dog’s saliva; wounds treated with NGF heal twice as fast as untreated wounds.
HEALING ABILITY: Through their deep purring, cats can mend broken bones.
BACKED BY SCIENCE: Frequencies of 20 to 50 Hertz are helpful in speeding the healing process of bone injuries. Feline purring vibrations, which range from 20 – 140 Hertz, can help heal soft tissue injuries to ligaments, tendons and muscles.
Cute cat

The Healing Power of Animals

The Healing Power of Animals 

The healing power of animals is nothing new to us. Their restorative energy has been written about, filmed and documented for many years .

Beetroot Benefits

  • Helps lower blood pressure. Beetroot juice may help lower your blood pressure. ...
  • Improves exercise stamina. ...
  • May improve muscle power in people with heart failure. ...
  • May slow the progression of dementia. ...
  • Helps you maintain a healthy weight. ...
  • May prevent cancer. ...
  • Good source of potassium. ...
  • Good source of other minerals.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and and achieves the impossible.

Friday 16 February 2018

Yogurt could reduce risk of stroke

Yoghurt reduces the risk of a heart attack by up to 30%

Scientists have found that the active culture of bacteria in yogurt, which is called Lactobacillus, actually helps to fortify the immune system. Studies have shown that the use of yogurt in the diet triples the internal production of interferon which the immune system uses against tumor cells.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

45min: Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage
15min: Foot Massage
with Chocolate & Sparkling Wine included
Or book with us and spoil yourself & your loved one 
info@rejuvaspa.co.za / 021 554 2238
*Bookings until 28 February 2018

Wednesday 17 January 2018

If you eat two bananas every day, this will happen to your body!

Bananas are one of the most underrated fruit. They are the cheapest and are easily available. Eating two bananas a day can give you a lot of benefits which you didn’t know. They contain a lot of fiber, nutrients and minerals which are very essential for the body to stay fit and function properly.
The benefits of bananas:
Bananas are easy to consume and digest and does not cause irritation or problem to the stomach. Thus it is helpful to the digestive system.
Bananas are rich in potassium, which help in balancing fluids in the body by drawing fluids out of blood vessels, hence, lowering the blood pressure.
The potassium in bananas helps in regulating heartbeat, blood pressure and keeping the brain alert.
Bananas are easy to consume and digest and does not cause irritation or problem to the stomach. Thus it is helpful to the digestive system.
Bananas are rich in potassium, which help in balancing fluids in the body by drawing fluids out of blood vessels, hence, lowering the blood pressure.
The potassium in bananas helps in regulating heartbeat, blood pressure and keeping the brain alert.
Bananas contain soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble slows down digestion making you feel full.

Lemon Juice to easily remove body tags

Can lemon juice get rid of skin tags?

The Process for Removing Skin Tags with Lemon Juice. ... Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon. Apply the juice to the affected area, or areas, with a cotton ball or q-tip, for greater precision. If preferred, you can also rub a fresh slice of lemon directly to the skin tag(s).

I tried this yesterday it really works!  DAVE

Saturday 6 January 2018

Most Potent Antibiotic

With certainty, turmeric is one of the most popular spices in the whole world and it has extraordinary culinary and medicinal properties. It has been used in Ayurvedic,…

Monday 1 January 2018


Wrapping body parts in aluminum foil can bring many advantages and benefits. For instance, it is great for fatigue, it alleviates painful joints, it softens the pain from burns and it can even be used to help cure you of a cold. Read on to find out how you should use aluminum foil if you are suffering from fatigue or a cold.
Nasty cold
Rid yourself of that nasty cold in record time! How? Take five to seven sheets of aluminum foil and wrap them around your feet. Leave them for about an hour. Then take the foil off for about an hour to let your feet breathe and then rewrap your feet again. Repeat this process every evening. After two nights, you will notice the difference already!
Wrapping your joints in a sheet of aluminum foil can also help against pain. You can use a bandage to keep the foil in its place properly. Wrap the foil around the painful joint before you go to bed and keep it in place during the night. Do this for about 7 nights.
Our last tip is great for when you are suffering from fatigue. In that case, put a few sheets of aluminum foil in the freezer for two to four hours. Then put the sheets on your face, in particular on your eyelids and cheeks. Get comfortable and you will start to feel the relaxing effect of the aluminum foil. We haven’t tried this ourselves yet, but we hear from many people that it really works! So, definitely worth trying.