3 brains

3 brains

Thursday 26 January 2017


    You own personal health:

  • Increases the risk of lung cancer
  • Increases the risk of emphysema
  • Increases the risk of cardio-vascular disease
  • Increases the risk of breast cancer
  • Increases the risk of cancer of mouth, oesophagus and other forms of bronchial cancer
  • Increases the risk of all forms of cancer not mentioned above
  • Increases the risk of stroke
  • Increases the risk of pneumonia
  • Increases the risk of bronchitis
  • Increases the risk of diseases of the eye (e.g. Graves' disease)
  • Increases the risk of back complaints
  • Increases the risk of ear complaints
  • Increases the risk of vascular constriction
  • Increases the risk of respiratory disease
  • Affects breathing quality
  • Affects the operation of the immune system
  • Causes deteriation of general physical condition
  • Increases the chance of impotence (erection problems)
  • Increases the chance of infertility
  • Reduces the capacity of the blood to take in oxygen
  • Increases the risk of dental illness

    The health of others you care about:

  • Increases the chance of miscarriage or damage to the foetus
  • Lower birth weight of children
  • Lower mental capacity (IQ) of children
  • Increased chance of SID (cot death) when the parents smoke
  • Increased chance of other causes of infant death
  • Affects the health of children
  • Affects the health of others in the environment
  • Sore eyes and eye diseases of others as a result of tobacco smoke
  • Increases the chance of contamination during sexual contact (semen, fingers)
  • Increases the chance of disease due to drinking contaminated breast milk

         The quality of your life:

  • Physical addiction
  • Psychological addiction
  • Social addiction
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Loss of sense of taste
  • Limitation of the possibility of maintaining a relationship

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