3 brains

3 brains

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

your support is needed

David Worswick


R 0

Target: R 10
You have raised R 400 since 2015.
To change the face of men's health. I survived testicular cancer of the brain?!? in 1997 http://alternativeandcomp.blogspot.com
I want to help others know that cancer can be beaten! This year I will have survived 20 more years than they thought I would alternativeandcomp.blogspot.com

Friday, 1 September 2017

The 9th Month of the year is here!  I'm off to Paris this month my blog viewrs. I have always wanted to go there, since 1995 when my sister, Claire, went on a school trip there. She brought me back a gold keyring with a white backround and the words Paris written on it in black.  I still have but know I guess I can get a new one to replace it?  My school locker key and my gymn locker key were on it.  I do hope Paris lives up to my expectations!  I will be flying from Cape Town to France with Air France- on an A330 for my viewers of my comeflywithm.blogspot.com  anyway have a super month all my blog viewers.  (I only have 12 blogs now as I reported my original blog, alifenotlike yours.blogspot to google by mistake thinking that the button Report on my blog would give me a report on my blog, and not report it as a suspicious blog to Google.  They reviewed it and cancelled my blog as apparently it contained Malware!?  Anyway have a super month y'all.  Singing off for this blog and my 12 others Ciao Dave.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

8 Natural Headache Remedies

Top 8 Natural Headache Remedies
  • Magnesium.
  • Gluten-Free Diet. When people with gluten sensitivity eat foods containing gluten, it can lead to a headache.
  • Peppermint & Lavender Essential Oil. ...
  • Chiropractic Care & Posture. ...
  • Herbs: Feverfew & Butterbur. ...
  • B-Complex Vitamins. ...
  • Stay Hydrated. ...
  • Detox Bath to Reduce Tension.

Rejuva Spa, Seaside Village, Big Bay

Image may contain: 1 person, text

Saturday, 8 July 2017


It really is amazing, this snail gel extract moisturiser.  In the 5 days I have been using it, so far,  I have tighter pores and a fresh looking face.  It has reduced any marks/ scars that were on my face too. DAVE

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Can you believe it, my blog viewers? It is the first day of June (day 152) already! Only six months, or 213 days precisely left of the year. Where has all the time gone? When you look back on the year you realise you've done quite a bit in the 152 days. I have moved house, written approximately 152 posts on my 13 blogs. I've made a friend or two along the way. I celebrated New Year in Amsterdam, so yeah, not much but what the! Have a super June y'all and keep following my posts. Thanks. Dave "ALNLYB" and 13 others.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

What Exactly Is Alternative Medicine?

Alternative medicine is a term that describes medical treatments that are used instead of traditional (mainstream) therapies. Some people also refer to it as “integrative,” or “complementary” medicine.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

? If You Sleep Naked Tonight, Here’s The Surprising Effect It’ll Have on Your Body – Wow

Sleeping is one of the most important activities for our health. Lack of sleep can be detrimental to the health. However, did you know that sleeping naked provides even more benefits than sleeping with clothes? Less than 10% of Americans sleep naked. Sleeping naked has some amazing health benefits, physically and psychologically.


If You Sleep Naked Tonight, Here’s The Surprising Effect It’ll Have on Your Body – Wow

Sleeping is one of the most important activities for our health. Lack of sleep can be detrimental to the health. However, did you know that sleeping naked provides even more benefits than sleeping with clothes? Less than 10% of Americans sleep naked. Sleeping naked has some amazing health benefits, physically and psychologically.
Image result for If You Sleep Naked Tonight, Here’s The Surprising Effect It’ll Have on Your Body

Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Improves Sleep

People who sleep naked have better sleep than the ones who sleep with clothes. The body temperature naturally declines and if your ear clothes, it disrupts that cycle. As a result, you toss and turn, and have irregular sleeping patterns. On the other hand, sleeping naked will promote the sleep quality and you will sleep like a baby.

Prevents Bacteria

Sleeping naked will prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria. Moreover, it will dry out the spots of perspiration and keep the body comfortable.

Promotes Weight Loss

If you sleep naked, your cortisol levels decrease, you sleep better, and that promotes the weight loss process. If you want to shed some pounds, you have the solution.

Feeling More Frisky

The skin to skin contact will increase the bonding hormones such as oxytocin and make you more sensitized to your partner’s touch. Moreover, it will strengthen the feelings of trust, connectivity, and lower your heart rate.

Boosts the Energy

Having a good night’s sleep will increase your energy levels, which will last throughout the whole day.

Reduces Pain

Sleeping naked will stimulate circulation and reduce the pain, especially in the abdominal area. You will feel comfortable and without pain, so you can sleep tighter.

Improves the Skin’s Repair Processes

If you sleep naked, the skin will repair itself more easily, the sebaceous glands will work at full capacity, and your skin will absorb nutrients more quickly. As a result, your body’s metabolic rate will improve.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Today, we’re going to discuss about a special juice made of a vegetable that everyone loves. This vegetable is called beet and it is full of numerous vitamins…

not for me thanks

Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immune system, study finds

Monday, 27 March 2017

Coffee-the good stuff!

Coffee is best known as a stimulating beverage that helps millions of people wake up in the morning. ... The caffeine in the coffee is known to have good skin benefits such as reducing redness and inflammation, according to a 1981 Seoul National University study, notes Live Strong.

9 Good Reasons Why You Should Get in the Pool

1. Heart Helper
Swimming provides unparalleled cardiovascular conditioning, provided you practice consistently and with good technique. While other forms of exercise may be more effective at elite levels (such as running or cycling), incorporating swimming into a cross-training routine and pushing yourself in practice will result in overall improved fitness.

2. Balance Your Build
Swimming builds longer, leaner muscles that complement the shorter denser muscles that develop from weight training. These "swimmer's muscles" also help boost metabolism to keep calories burning longer.

3. Cross-training
Swimming not only boosts cardiovascular capacity while increasing muscle strength, but it also gives your body a break from higher-impact activities like basketball, running, and weightlifting. By creating a balanced workout routine, athletes avoid injury by allowing their body time to heal, while not forgoing daily training sessions.

4. Increased Flexibility
A heated pool relaxes muscles, increasing flexibility and enabling important stretching. Also, after intense lactic-acid-building endurance workouts (running, cycling, weights), an easy swim helps flush out toxins preventing muscle tightness and soreness the following day.

5. Strengthen Your Core
Swimming develops core body strength because it utilizes all the body's muscles simultaneously. Although 70 percent of a swimmer's effort comes from the upper body, kickboard and fin workouts can provide an excellent leg workout.

6. Endurance
Swimmers are able to swim longer than they can what they could sustain doing other activities. With the right technique, a swimmer will be able to train for longer periods of time than if he/she were running and, as a result, more calories are burned.

7. Adventure
Swimming has branched out from the darkened, indoor community pools of yesteryear. Many new health club chains offer clean lap pools, and local communities are finding renewed interest in outdoor facilities during the summer months. Seek out available natatoriums in your area (swimmersguide.com) and if you are able, locate a natural body of water (lake, ocean, pond, or quarry) and explore the joys of open-water swimming.

8. Social Outlet
Imagine meeting the man/woman of your dreams, and seeing what they look like without their clothes on for your first date! That's one benefit, at least, of joining a Masters team or triathlon training group. In addition to the possibility of romance fueled by mutual interests, team programs offer peer motivation and professional coaching to provide you with increased performance results.
9. Weight Loss
The body-shaping benefits of swimming workouts are the result of a perfect storm of calorie burn and muscle recruitment. ... And because water is nearly 800 times denser than air, each kick, push, and pull is like a mini resistance workout for your entire body—especially your core, hips, arms, shoulders, and glutes.May 7, 2010

kaffee ist super!

People who drink a lot of coffee are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people who drink smaller amounts, or no coffee at all, according to some studies. According to Harvard Medical School, this is because it contains ingredients that lower blood sugar. It isn't known which ingredient causes this effect.Jun 29, 2015


