3 brains

3 brains

Friday 16 August 2013

Pumpkin Seeds

I recently started eating these tasty seeds myself.  According to a lady Indian Alternative health practisioner,  I met in a Spa in Umhlanga, in 2005 when I took a 3 day holiday there all alone, if you have had chemotherapy your body is in an acidic state but these seeds are the only alkaline food source in the world! And they neutalise your acidic body.  I thought these seeds would taste disgusting - so I only started eating them a month ago (July 2013).  They taste  delicious - DAVE
13 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are the only seed that is alkaline-forming; in this world of highly acidic diets, that is a very good thing.
Pumpkin seeds taste so good that I add them to many of my meals.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/13-health-benefits-of-pumpkin-seeds.html#ixzz2c8HFmxnI

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